Smart Tips For The Reading, Writing And Listening Tests

to-write-774648_960_720Some of our friends will be going for their writing, reading and listening tests soon

We wish them all well.

Here are a few smart tips to remember always even if you did not read again before then

The most important thing in all tests is to make sure that you understand the questions and please follow all instructions religiously


1.DO NOT try to read everything. You’re only looking for specific information to answer your questions


2. DO NOT panic if it seems you’ve no knowledge at all about the subject in the passage. Fact is that ALL the answers are in there and you’ll find them if you look carefully.

3. Please be careful to use yourSINGULAR and PLURAL WORDS correctly. I say this all the time. And it applies also to the WRITING test

4. Check for titles, any special features such as capital letters, underlined words, italics, tables, figures, and graphs. These will give you some clues about what to do

5. DO NOT bother if you see any new word that you do not know the meaning or even understand how it was used. Just move on to the next line. You may eventually not need that word

6. Do not change the wordings please. Any word you use must be from the text. And CHECK YOUR SPELLING

7. Do not exceed the WORD LIMIT. For example, if you’re asked to complete a sentence with NO MORE THAN 2 WORDS, if the right answer “Black car” and you write “The car that is black” , you’d be wrong

8. Please attempt all questions. IELTS has no negative marking formula.

9. If you do not know the answer to a question, attempt it but move on(circle it or note it with your pencil so that you can come back to it again later). You might eventually find the answer as you read on and fill it in.

10. Do not waste time. The number one spoiler of results for candidates in the reading test is TIME. So, handle your time with care.


You’d be having just 60 minutes for 2 essays. Just see it that you’d be expected to write NOT LESS THAN 400 words in 60 minutes (1 hour). I hope it gives you a clearer picture of the job.

I suggest that you write in pencil to help you easily correct any mistakes without messing up your work

1. Plan your answers before you begin. Write out your points and follow them sequentially.

2. Put each point or idea in a paragraph and develop it.

3. Check your spelling, grammar, and punctuations as you write. Please take some time to read through your task after writing to correct any mistakes before you hand in your answer sheets

4. Do not Write LESS THAN 150 words for TASK 1 and LESS THAN 250 words for TASK 2. You’ll lose marks if you do not write up to the number of words.

You can quickly calculate how many words you’ve written by multiplying the average number of words you have per line by the number of lines you’ve written.

Please note that there’s no upper limit and no penalty for writing above 150 or 250 words but, you’ll be penalized for writing BELOW or LESS than that.

However, do not waste time writing too much above the limit if you have other things to tidy up.

5. Please do not use BULLET POINTSin your essays. You’ll lose marks for that. Write all your answers in full. Explain what you’re doing or saying clearly.

6. I also suggest that you begin with your TASK 2 as it worth twice as much as task 1. So, you should spend approximately 20 minutes on task 1 and about 40 minutes on task 2

7. Do not use any memorized answers you get from books or the Internet. Use your own ideas and write.

The examiners will detect this if you do and may INVALIDATE your test.

8. Keep to the topic. Do not divert. Avoid long, winding sentences that make no meaning. It wastes your time and space.

9. Avoid repetition as much as you can. Think fast about substitutes or synonyms or related words you can use in place of some words.

10. Do not contract words in your task 1 and Task 2. Use formal language. Avoid informal language.


Sit up in your chair or take whatever position /posture that helps you to concentrate well and avoid any distractions.

Read (scan through)a few of the questions(about 3 or 4) ahead of time, immediately you’re asked to turn over your question papers. Then concentrate to hear the instructions from the audio and make sure you’re looking at your question paper as you’re listening so that you’d understand what to do.

This helps to anticipate the answers

1. If you cannot hear the audio very well, please say it and don’t keep quiet

2. Pay attention to the word limit. Do not write more than you’re asked to. If you’re asked to complete a sentence in no more than 2 words, ” White Horse” is correct but, “Horse that is white” is wrong because you have 4 words instead of 2

3. Do not worry if you did not understand a word. Move on and make sure that you’re following the speaker/speakers

4.Please attempt ALL questions

5. Listen for the specific information you’re looking for as you focus on your paper, following with your eyes and finger or pen/pencil

6. Read, write and listen at the same time. Do not lose concentration even for a second. You might miss a sentence and it distorts what you’re doing, gets you anxious and you miss more

7. If you miss any word, move on. Keep following. You will later check to see what the answers could be and, you may not also need the word after all

8. If you do not know the answer to a question, leave it and move on. Circle it or underline it so that you can check it again after the speaking, within the period you’re given to check your answers and transfer them to the answer sheets

So, do not waste time if a word confuses you or you do not know the answer

9. Be careful with your spelling and grammar. Write correctly or you’ll lose marks

10. Check all your answers after you’ve done. Punctuations. Make sure that you flip your question paper to check if you answered all the questions

I believe that with these tips, you’ll be able to do well in your tests, especially if you have been preparing all along.

We wish you all a wonderful experience and we await your heartwarming feedbacks and subsequently, beautiful results.


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3. You can also join our next 5 DAYS IELTS READING COURSE to discover how to answer every type of Reading questions. To join CLICK HERE

4. We can help you assess your IELTS Essays, correct you and give you feedback on how you are doing. CLICK HERE

5. To join the next 9 Days Task 2 Essay Writing Course, CLICK HERE

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